Visit from UFM mission partners Michael and Steph Baldwin

Visit from UFM mission partners Michael and Steph Baldwin

In June we were visited by Michael and Steph Baldwin, our UFM mission partners In Eurasia. Here is a summary of the sermon Michael preached, ‘The glory of the ordinary’ which fits well with the theme of this magazine. Do you find it hard to see how the mundane things in life contribute to the...

Weakness is the Way – J. I. Packer, Book Review – Alex Choi

Weakness is the Way – J. I. Packer, Book Review – Alex Choi

Have you ever felt inadequate?  Inability or weakness in terms of physical condition, intelligence or financial situation? These weaknesses always make us feel sad and frustrated, especially so living in a highly competitive society.  If you are facing any of these situations, you will definitely find this book very helpful. J. I. Packer uses Paul’s...