Reading is very quiet for first 13 seconds; talk starts at 2.45 after a video that was shown
Sermon Category: Sunday Morning
Amos chapter 4: where love and mercy meet: prepare to meet your God:
The audio is quiet for a few seconds at the start
Amos chapters 1 and 2: where love and justice meet: no escape
Talk starts with prayer after reading at 4.00
150th Anniversary Service: Romans 15:1-13:
Talk starts after reading at 3.15; guest speaker: Rt Revd Keith Sinclair former Bishop of Birkenhead
Ephesians 4:7-16: church: it’s God’s idea: safe to serve:
Talk starts with prayer after reading at 1.32
Isaiah 9:2-7: the Lord is coming (5): Family Carols: all age service:
Talk starts after reading at 1.25
Luke 1:26-56: Nativity Presentation (Advent 4):
Talk starts with prayer after reading at 3.05