Simon’s Scrawl

Simon’s Scrawl

There are those today who consider Christianity not just

wrong but evil! They believe that the Christian message

robs people of joy and freedom, oppresses women and

LGBT+ minorities, and that we must be liberated from its

repressive and toxic influence!

In this magazine we look at some evidence that

demonstrates otherwise. Certainly (whilst distinguishing

between mere religion and living Christianity) we must

acknowledge the terrible injustices that have been done in

the name of Christ, and that Christians don’t have a

monopoly on virtue and compassion. But from the

beginning the followers of Jesus have sought to love their

neighbour and to reflect God’s character, and there’s

plenty of evidence for the beneficial impact this has had in

areas such as human rights, justice (hence the cover

photo!), the protection of life and the dignity of women, as

well as the topics examined in this magazine (page 6-7).

One author, Tom Holland, explains how in his youth he

thought that Christianity had ushered in an age of

superstition and credulity. But as he studied classical

antiquity he was shocked by its brutality and denial of any

intrinsic worth to the poor and the weak. He discovered

that it was the example of Jesus which was the foundation

for the values he cherished!

Similarly sociologist Rodney Stark (not a Christian) argues

that ‘the success of the West rested entirely on religious

foundations and that the people who

brought it about where devout Christians’.

Another historian, Paul Maier, claims that

Christianity has been ‘the most powerful

agent in transforming society for the better

across 2000 years’.

The media today and many educational establishments

are deeply hostile to biblical Christianity. Yet throughout

history Christ followers have done much good. As David

Bentley Hart says ‘A world from which the gospel had

been banished would surely be one in which millions

more of our fellows would go unfed, unnursed,

unsheltered and uneducated.’

Let us acknowledge our debt to gospel Christianity,

