Hope 150

Hope 150

Our church was started 150 years ago! The first service was held on Saturday 16th January 1875, at 3.15pm in the

afternoon. So next year is our 150th birthday and we have some special anniversary celebrations that are planned. As

well as these events we are also planning an anniversary booklet which will be distributed to each home in the parish.


Sun 19th Jan – 10am – 150th Anniversary Service with Rt Revd Keith Sinclair, former

bishop of Birkenhead. We have invited many former members of St John’s who have now

moved away from Wilmslow to join us for this special celebration, followed by a lunch

together in the church rooms.


Dates tbc  – A Living History Display

A walk through 150 years of history at St. John’s, exploring some

significant moments in the life of our church. Local schools and our local

community will be invited to this exhibition.


Fri 21st-Sun 23rd Mar  – Church Weekend away

A special time away together as a church family! In the delightful surroundings of

Cloverley Hall in the Shropshire countryside, with Bible teaching from Chris

Thornton, Pastor of Ford’s Lane, Bramhall. Chris has spent many years ministering

in Hong Kong before returning to the UK – well suited to the changing face of our

church family!


Easter Sat 19th Apr  – Wilmslow Passion Play

Performed on the streets of Wilmslow, by professional actors from Saltmine Theatre

Co., with a community cast (it could be you?!). A joint venture with St. Bart’s and

Lifechurch, this represents a unique opportunity to proclaim the significance of

Jesus’ death and resurrection to our town. Follow up courses afterwards.


Thurs 15th – Sun 18th May  – Outreach Weekend

A range of different events to invite friends and neighbours, each with an engaging

presentation of the good news of Jesus, by well-known guest speaker, Graham Daniels.

Graham is the General Director of Christians in Sport and also a director of Cambridge

United Football Club.


Mon 23rd Jun- Fri 4th July Bible Encounter Story Trail

A welcome return from about 10 years ago. This time it is ‘The Fisherman’s Tale’ – an account of Jesus’ life

as shared by the disciple Peter. Such story trails have proved to be a unique and unforgettable experiences

for primary-aged children. We will be welcoming the children of Lindow and Ashdene into a radically

transformed St. John’s, as well as other members of our local community.


Sun 20th – 26th July Church Holiday, Keswick Convention 150th!!

Staying in ‘Lonscale’, modern fellside accommodation and joining in the

anniversary Keswick Convention, which began the same year as St. John’s. There

are also cottages on site which can be booked directly.